02 July 2008

Tastespotting is live again

* no longer a part of notcot, tastespotting is back.
and apparently, we love daring bakers. also, follow updates here *

It's raining and I am putting off installing software, building the network and transferring files over to my new laptop - what a drudge. So after popping some toast in my gob, I thought I'd check my various email accounts and took a look at Statcounter, to see how my new post on the Vanilla Slice Blog was going.

It was then that I noticed on my stats for this blog that amongst the people who are still reading about the TasteSpotting Stalker, I had been paid a visit from a viewer in
Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, who had come to me through TasteSpottting itself. They had clicked through from there to my old post on Braeside's incredible breakfast featuring corn fritters. So I followed the trail back to the source and it took me to a Tastespotting search which I expected would be a Google archive of the site, but it turns out that it wasn't.

So guess what? The TasteSpotting site's back and apparently under new ownership. You can read about it on the
Tastespotting Twitter feed - mentioned above. The new owner of the site had dropped by and placed a comment on my last post on the subject, but I had not anticipated that it would be up and running so soon. Good job!

Thinking that I should immediately restore their widget to my sidebar, I logged in and the first thing I was greeted with this:

Welome Back, stickyfingers!(sic)

We're in the process of making everything all crispy and clean here, which includes letting you know about the Terms and Conditions of using TasteSpotting. Click the "accept terms and conditions" link below if you agree. Thanks, and again, welcome back!

Here are the Terms:

While we finish getting all buttoned up, please read the following Terms. If you have questions, feel free to email

1. By accessing TasteSpotting.com or using any part of the site or any content or services on the site, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to all the terms and conditions, then please do not use TasteSpotting.com.

2. TasteSpotting reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace the Terms of Use at any time. If it's a major change, TasteSpotting will notify you by posting an announcement on the Site. Use of the Services by you following such notification constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the Terms of Use as modified.

3. Please register. In order to submit, you are required to register with TasteSpotting and select a password and username. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your TasteSpotting password.

4. As a condition of use, you promise not to use the Services for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms of Use, or any other purpose not reasonably intended by TasteSpotting. Be nice to other users, okay?

5. Have integrity. You are responsible for your Submissions and the consequences of posting or publishing them. Make sure you have permission to submit a picture, either because you own it, or you have permission to post it. TasteSpotting will remove submissions if it infringes on another's rights. If you are an owner and have an issue with your photos being submitted to this site, please email

So if you're one of the thousands of people who have visited Deep Dish Dreams mourning TasteSpotting, your misery is over. Sign in, sign up or just go and perve. If you're registered you can collect your favourite images there too. Or if you've got some porny food shots - get 'em up there! (Or Food Gawker where many fans have thronged in the interim)

Back to the subject of their widget, I wonder how I can retrieve it?

My meagre TasteSpotting submissions are located
in my profile on their site-
here - but I feel the urge
to also submit something from recent posts today.

What should it be?


Well it took a few days to appear but my photo of the Saffron Milk Cap mushrooms popped up on July 5 - after I had thought they had been rejected. So if you've uploaded an image, hang in there, all may not be lost. I'm hoping that my flaming satay photo makes it in over the next few days.

I know it's impossible to please everyone, but I must admit that I'm not a fan of the new format on the site, which clusters posts or images of like subjects. I can also imagine that for vegetarians - for example - looking at a dozen grill pictures in a row might be quite disconcerting. The old jumbled approach with colour synchronicity was much more stimulating. After all, you can do a search there for grills or berries or chocolate etc if you want a mass selection of similar themes.

Also worth a look: The 'Food Interviews' Blog has posted an interview with TasteSpotting's new owner - Sara J Gim - where she candidly discusses the selection process, hints, tips, rival sites and her plans for improving the new TasteSpotting.

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