08 August 2008

SOLE Mama Forum

Introducing SOLE Mama - she's a sassy wench ain't she?

She's about sharing the love and pooling everyone’s resources to find the best value nutritional food you can locally for your family’s health, but not spending a fortune in the process.

She's a forum...a website...a blog.

But mostly she's about swapping ideas and knowledge.

She won't beat you around the head for not eating Sustainably, Organic, Local or Ethical, but if you're even remotely interested in that stuff, take her for a spin and join in the chat. Nestle in her comely bosom.

The Purple Goddess and I have entered the fray to build her, after hearing that there's a growing number of people want a cosy corner of the Internet to get ideas and information. SOLE Mama's free and just for fun. Here's how it works:

Forum - Open and free to use. Enabled to be viewed without signing up to comment.

Once registered (enter your email - too easy) chat and chew the fat. Swap recipes, nominate your locally sourced food suppliers, nut out
with your peeps how to convince the little tackers to eat their tucker. Get the inside knowledge on why your veggie patch is flinching when you go near it. Find grog that doesn't bring on an allergy. Get advice on how to stop setting your oven mitts on fire. Tell stories and meet people. We'll send you a quick e-newsletter that will fill you in regularly too. Down the track there will be menu planning etc.

Website - Open and free to peruse.
A work in progress in my spare time.

It supports the forum to explain SOLE Mama's ethic and to give anyone with an interest some background knowledge on what the elements of SOLE are.

In terms of suppliers, so far there is a list of Victorian delivery services of locally sourced fresh food - some of it organic.

Next will come all the listings of meat suppliers, any farmers Markets details I can lay my hands on, then farm gates and Grocers, wine, beer etc. Other states will roll out progressively as I acquire details.

Blog - an adjunct to the lot and as yet nothing meaty is lodged there.

It will be a spot for profiling suppliers, Heirloom and Heritage products, food artisans and wacky stuff you may have seen at the market but have no idea how to use. We'll also flag great stuff from the forum.

So please visit, if you have any interest in eating well at home, on a budget and perhaps growing a bit of tucker yourself. Or you want to put something back into the community and the planet, jump on in. It's going to be fun.

All are welcome whether consumers, producers or providers. Why not tell your friends to meet you there. The chat room is open too.

Oh and keep your eyes peeled for PG in the next edition
(September) of Notebook Magazine, when she is showcased herding the magazine crew around her SOLE food haunts.


Zoe said...

And such an auspicious day to start!


Anonymous said...

Great idea Jane. Good luck.

stickyfingers said...

Thanks so much Zoe and Stephanie.

It's become a very time consuming project as I fill the resource areas with suppliers etc, but in the long run I know it's worth it. Mr Sticky is begrudgingly putting up with me being glued to the laptop as he watches the Olympics at night.

Very encouraging is that there's some interesting dialogue popping up between members and great local products being flagged too.

The Notebook Magazine article on Purple Goddess hits newstands this week, which we hope will bolster the number of forum participants and we have been approached to be interviewed on air about SOLE Mama and spreading our love of local producers. Fingers crossed that SOLE Mama can fill a need online.

Gill Stannard Naturopath said...

I've linked you to my article on 'how to shop'. Hope the forum goes well. It has the potential to be a great resource

stickyfingers said...

Thanks you very much Gill that's most appreciated indeed.

I hope you'll join us in the forum and post a few topics. Your knowledge would be invaluable to the participants.

We also have a section where you can post about your blog with a backlink. We hope this will open up a broader readership for forum participants with blogs, and of course you can also put your blog URL into your signature on every comment you make there.

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